About us
NIVONA is is different. we are the loveable alternative – open, friendly, enthusiastic about coffee. Available only from specialist retailers. An exceptional business model in hectic times.
"According to some predictions, we could have shut up shop again straight away on the first day," Peter Wildner says. And the 56-year-old should know. Not only is he the current Managing Director of NIVONA; he was also one of the founders of the brand. The stated aim: to be a specialist in coffee machines for specialist retail. At the moment, it could hardly been in a better position: there are currently over 50 staff in an area of just 2000 square metres in the Südwestpark area of Nuremberg – and there are a further 14 colleagues working in the field. So nobody will be shutting NIVONA any time soon, which is also down to our own expectations.
No coffee machine can replace the skill of an excellent barista, but it can contain the knowledge of an excellent barista. This is why, in the development, we work closely with coffee experts to gain additional feedback from the field. And, for example, this is how our Aroma Balance System was created.
"Our machines should make the best coffee as easily as possible," Managing Director Peter Wildner says. That is a firm part of our philosophy.
Not only should it be straightforward to get cappuccino & co. from the machine; cleaning the machine should also be self-explanatory. Moreover, all customers can remove the brewing unit from their NIVONA and clean it for themselves. We also want to keep the methods and processes as simple as possible, despite having a structure with many different retailers and a broad range of requirements.
From the outset, NIVONA regarded itself as a brand for the specialist retailer. Our machines are available both from roasters and from specialist electrical retailers. "We want to sell where they know about coffee."
We are now trusted by over 2500 retailers: because our coffee machines are convincing, because our concept is convincing, because NIVONA is catching on. After 15 years, we have become established as the loveable alternative. Because the key element is what matters: the highest possible quality in coffee pleasure.